02 December 2015

Famous Last Word: Week 14

This week I reached the 44,000 mark on my novel! I only have 6,000 words left! It's going to be such a relief to have my story done. I like my story, but I feel like I've had to rush each week. Once I'm done I'm going to have to go back and make a lot of edits and improvements. There are a few scenes that I want to make longer and a couple that probably need to be trimmed down. There's also a lot more description of the setting that I'd like to add to make the world come to life more.

There is already one girl in my class who has finished her novel, made her edits, and self-published on Kindle. I'm happy for her but it makes me feel really behind. But most people in class are where I'm at, so we can commiserate with each other.

I plan on editing during Christmas break. I hope to have mine published before I graduate in May. I'll send it off to a few places, but if it doesn't get picked up by any publishers, I'll put it on Kindle too. I like the idea of self-publishing. It gives the author a lot more control.

I'm also going to work on my cover for my book. I have an idea of what I want, but I'm not the best artist. I'm currently trying to decide if I'd like to take a picture and manipulate it in Photoshop or if I should just pay someone to draw it for me. The name of my book (right now, it's subject to change) is Spark. My idea is to have two hands facing each other with a flame between them. It symbolizes an important part of my story.

Watch out for my book, (hopefully) coming Spring 2016!

1 comment:

Laura Gibbs said...

Blake, just a quick note to ask you to let me know when the book comes out!!! I would love to include that in the class announcements next semester! :-)