27 August 2015

Storybook Favorites

  1. Murders in the Bible
    • For me, this was the storybook that drew me in quickest. I was intrigued from the beginning and once I saw the bloody handprint I was sold. The author ended with a declaration that, "You might be next." I think this is a great tool because it immediately involves the reader in the story. The Bible is a bloody book and dissecting the murders that occur within it — from Cain and Able to David and Bathsheba's husband — is interesting to me. The layout of the page was very dark and it set up a horror story immediately. The front also played into that theme. I'm definitely interested to read the stories on this blog.
    (Bloody Handprint; Source: Tumblr User Laladoll)
  2. The Mermaid Diaries 
    • The layout of the page made me feel like this was going to be a few lighthearted stories about mermaids. When I clicked on the page I was hoping for more of a grim depiction. However, I did like how the author set up the story. It made me feel like I was going to settle in for a nice story and read the diaries of a few mermaids. I like that in the sidebar you could see that each story would be about a different mermaid. The premise of the storybook is really good and I could see myself replicating it under a different topic. 
  3. Tracking the Werewolf
    • I'm already interested in werewolves so when I saw the title I was drawn in. The layout of the page was a little dull, but it's meant to be a journal of sorts so once I found that out it made more sense. The werewolves that I like are more human and less beast, but I think this storybook was a nice continuous progression of someone's account with a werewolf. 

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