31 August 2015

Reading Diary A: Adam and Eve

(The Fall, by Michelangelo)

Reading A of Adam and Eve:

The Fall of Satan - This story interests me because it's a view of Satan and Adam that I haven't seen in the Bible. I like the character of Satan because I think there's a little bit of him in every one of us. The part of us that doesn't want to submit. The part of us that longs to stand above the rest. However, he also represents the consequences of such aspirations and actions.  I could see myself writing a dynamic character like Satan who the reader knows is in the wrong, but they still kind of want to see him succeed.

The Fall of Man - I am once again struck and intrigued by the serpent (or Satan). I think that he is a very interesting character. I don't really like how the author portrays women. The story makes Eve seem very naive. I would be more interested in the story if she was more witty and clever.

The Punishment - I liked the line "for the serpent is a villain, and the wicked are good debaters." I have always liked the prediction in the Bible that serpents and women will have enmity between them. It just seems fitting.

I also liked how the author characterized the sun and the moon and the earth. In particular this passage about the moon: "The moon alone laughed, wherefore God grew wroth, and obscured her light. Instead of shining steadily like the sun, all the length of the day, she grows old quickly, and must be born and reborn, again and again." I find it very clever to find the naturally observable things around us and creating stories to explain them.

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