27 August 2015


This is going to be my last year at OU. I’ll be graduating (hopefully) in the Spring with a Professional Writing degree. This semester I have to take Writing the Novel. At the end of the semester we have to turn in a 50,000+ word novel. After that all I have is my capstone, Business of Professional writing, where we learn to format books for Kindle (and other boring business-y stuff). It seems impossible that I will have written a novel by the time Christmas comes around. I guess I know what everyone in my family will be getting from me!

Here is a look at my desk:

(personal photo of my desk: taken Aug. 2015)

All my novel planning is strewn about, but I swear there is order to it!  

I have decided to write a fantasy novel. It’s going to involve werewolves, vampires, fairies, and of course, humans. My main character is a human girl who is thrown into a werewolf pack and has to learn how to navigate through the different customs and behaviors.

I have to turn in at least 4,000 words a week, so most of my time is going to be spent on the computer this semester. I think that I’m most excited about creating my characters and the world that they live in. Science fiction and fantasy are closely related genres, but where SF utilizes technology, fantasy uses magic. In my fantasy world fairies and Sparks (humans with magical abilities) will be the main users of magic. 

In addition to my writing class I’m taking Arthurian Legend and Mythology and Folklore. From my class schedule I think it’s pretty apparent that I enjoy stories. For me, stories and books are chances to explore another world and live a different life. There are places I’ll never get to go and experiences I’ll never get to have, but I can read about them! I’ve found myself recently falling prey to the beast that is Netflix. And while I respect and good movie or TV series, I think reading books provides a superior experience.

I will keep you guys updated with the progress of my novel. Currently, it’s in the planning stages but I will start actually writing it within the next two weeks!


Amanda Through The Looking Glass said...

It's so cool that you are going to be the owner of a real life book in just a few short months. I had no idea that that was even a class here at OU and I think it sounds amazing. I have always wanted to write a novel but I don't think I have the drive or creativity necessary to be successful. Your story idea sounds really cool. I've read my fair share of supernatural stories and I think that there is a pretty good niche market for that kind of stories right now. Good luck on your novel!

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't believe you are going to write an entire novel! That is so beyond cool!! I am just like you, I absolutely adore books and stories and have to stop myself from reading too much when I really need to be studying (Im a biology major, so studying gets in the way of my reading). I am a pretty big fan of fantasy and I think it is so amazing that you can create a whole new world or universe when writing a fantasy book! I can't wait to hear updates on how its going!

Unknown said...

Hey Blake! I was secretly hoping that it was the same Blake from one of my previous Spanish classes, and it turns out that I was right! I did not realize that you were a professional writing major. Which is awesome, by the way. Writing your own novel seems very exciting, and I cannot wait to read it (if we get a chance to in this class... haha). Anyways, I do like your writing style a lot, and I hope that you don't get too stressed out this semester!

Unknown said...

Hi Blake!

Is Writing the Novel the Professional Writing capstone? It must seem super intimidating knowing that you're gonna have to write a 50,000+ word novel in the first week of class! I've been interested in taking Arthurian Legend, but I've been a bit hesitant because I feel that it will be reading intensive and I want to be able to spend the adequate time needed on it. The way that you feel about books is very similar to mine! I see them as a gateway to a new world that I would never be able to experience and that is why I adore them so much.

I hope your semester goes well and I wish you the best of luck with all the writing you are required to do!

Dylan Jasna said...

That is awesome that you are writing a novel this semester! The story idea sounds very interesting as well. When you publish it send us a link! I am a big fan of scifi/magical novels. I spend so much time with news and facts everyday that I have to make time every once in awhile to dive into a great out of this world book.

Anonymous said...

Like a lot of other people have said it is so cool that you are writing a novel. I always thought that it would be cool to do that but then I realized that it's hard enough for me to write a 1,500 word essay let alone a 50,000 word novel so I commend you! I love sci-fi and fantasy as well so it seems like a lot of our interests are the same and our stories will probably be similar in nature too! Can't wait to see what else you have!

Christineie said...

Hi Blake,

I came across your blog and seemed to relate to parts of your introduction! First of all, it is so amazing that you're writing a novel this semester. I had no idea there was a class for that. It seems like it would be a lot of work and writing but I think it's a lot easier when you really enjoy what you're doing and, also, I'm sure the end product will be very rewarding! Anyways, I love writing and my favorite genres of books is fantasy! If I had one dream job, it would be to become an author and write a book (well, lots of book-majority, if not all, fantasy) to eventually have it made into a movie. Well, I hope your novel turns out to be everything you hope it will be, and more! Best of luck and nice to meet you :)


Laura Gibbs said...

It is so exciting to have a Professional Writing major in class, Blake...and that novel class, oh, it is so appealing! Maybe you could find a way to make the Storybook project coincide with the work you are doing for that somehow. If you are going to have werewolves and such, you could use the Storybook as a way to maybe work out some backstory for the supernatural characters or something like that! Or else an Arthurian project... so many possibilities! The overlap between your classes sounds really stimulating... maybe even stimulating enough to keep you safe from that demon Netflix, ha ha. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the class: it sounds like a good fit all the exciting stuff you have going on this semester!

Unknown said...

That's really awesome that you'll be working on your own novel! That takes a lot of commitment and dedication! The subject matter sounds like a fun sandbox to be playing around in, too. Best of luck with it!

Netflix really is its own beast – one with soul sucking powers. There’s just so much to watch that I feel like I’ll never be able to get to it all!

Unknown said...

Whoa, you have a lot of comments. (Mr. Blog popular, no?) Any who, I can't believe you're writing a novel! Most people say 'oh I'll write a book one day' but of course never do it. Plus, the details you shared make it sound like it's definitely going to be on my 'things-to-read' list. I like writing, but am horrible at it, so I find my happiness in reading what others write. You know, like on websites and things, and I proofread for a couple of my favorite online authors. I wish you the best of luck with your novel! (And hope I get to read it someday!)

Unknown said...

Wow! I am impressed. I cannot imagine how I would even begin to write my own novel. I would definitely be giving everyone my novel for Christmas! You will have put in so much effort and a great deal of hours working on it! It sounds interesting and I look forward to your storybooks. I wish the best of luck to you and your writing!

Unknown said...

It seems pretty fitting that you would be in this type of class with your major. There is no way I could do all of that writing. It is pretty incredible that you will have written an entire novel by the end of the semester. You must be a pretty creative person. It was nice meeting you. Good luck on your future plans and career.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Blake!
I cannot even begin to imagine writing a novel! That sounds crazy to me! But then again, writing is not my strongest skill! I hope as the semester is wrapping up, that your novel is coming along great!
I am currently in my capstone course, so my desk area looks a lot like yours! Always full of work and books and papers!
I hope you enjoyed this class!