03 September 2015

Essay: How Origin Stories Explain Our World

Unit: Adam and Eve

I think creation stories are crucial to understanding a society. Creation stories are a foundation for explaining the way the world operates. I focused on The Creation story of the Bible this week.

The creation and depiction of Lilith and Eve gives insight into how the men of the Bible view women. Lilith was Adam's first wife, made out of the very same dirt as he. But unlike Eve, she was equal to him and would not submit. When she abandoned Adam, God created Eve to replace her. This seems like an obvious sign to women that they need to submit to their husbands to be accepted.

The Punishment especially shows why a lot of things are the way they are today. Eve was punished with harsher childbirth and given an enmity between her and the serpent. She was also told she would now be under man's authority. This explains the patriarchal society that we have lived in for centuries.

Man was also punished. God said to him, "[Your] children [will] wander from land to land; [your] body [will] to exude sweat; [you will] have an evil inclination; in death [your] body [will] be a prey of the worms." These curses show the daily struggle of man and why he has to deal with them.
(Rebuke of Adam and Eve, Domenichino)

In my Storytelling post this week I wrote a creation story for the novel that I'm writing. This provides insight and explanation for the rifts and divides between the different races.

Human are still disgusted by werewolves just as Adam was in the beginning. The fairies are still elusive to man and man is still easily charmed by fairies. Vampires cannot give birth to children and the reasoning behind that is part of their punishment from the creation story. It may very well be for a biological reason, but the creation story is a way for humans to explain what they don't fully understand. My creation story will give my readers greater understanding into the psyche of my characters.

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