23 September 2015

Reading Diary A: Folklore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian, and Jewish

Reading A: Folklore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian and Jewish

I chose this unit because I think it's interesting how the stories of these three religions weave together. There are similar stories from each tradition, but they are slightly different. It's kind of like how we read these stories and create a new story for our storytelling assignments. 

David: Before I read this story I knew story of David (Daûd) and Bathsheba from the Bible. However, this story went into a lot more and a lot less detail. It described David a lot more and gave life to his character. But Bathsheba is not even mentioned in this story, only her husband. I think it would be interesting to see the story from Bathsheba's POV. I might do that for my story this week. 

Dome of the Rock
Source: Wikipedia Commons
Solomon: Before I read this unit all I really knew about Solomon is that he was a very wise king. Solomon, or Suleymân in this text, still retains his wise nature. But it what I hadn't read before was that he kept watch over evil spirits and that when he died they were released into the world. I think that could be an interesting story concept to follow. It was only a nugget of the story, not really the main plot, but I think I might follow it.

I thought it was interesting to read about Bible characters that I already knew and see how they were presented in different stories. It seemed to me that while there were some differences, none of the differences were very major. The stories still retained their meaning and the characters were basically the same. 

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