13 September 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 3

This past week I finished up all the prep to begin my novel. I had to turn in a 1-page plot summary, a 10+ page "talking document," and 35-40 scenes from my novel.

The "talking document" is a discussion about my characters, their backstory, and scenes that I want to create. Essentially it can be anything. Its purpose is for me to get my ideas out of my mind and into a permanent place. It also allows my professor to see what I'm aiming for and help guide me there.

My 35-40 scenes was the most difficult assignment. It was hard to plan that far ahead, but I know that it's going to help me in the long run. When I read a book I'm always amazed at how clever the plots are. I want my book to have a few twists and turns that readers won't be expecting (maybe a character death or two!). I'm sure the plot will change a little bit as I write it, but I finally have all the major plot points planned out. And I'm pleased with the way my story shaped up.

I'm struggling to come up with character names that I actually like. Right now I just have filler names because I couldn't decide. I think character names are very important. They are the first thing your readers learn about your character and if the name sucks then it can be difficult for people to engage with the character. At the same time I know it's not the most important thing. Harry isn't an original or exciting name, but J.K. Rowling was able to craft him into a character that people love.

I'm thinking about creating a storyboard in my room with pictures of my characters and major plot points. I think it will help bring my characters to life and it's another way for me to brainstorm ideas.

On Wednesday I have the first 4,000 words of my novel due. I'm excited to finally start writing, but it's also intimidating. I'll keep you guys updated as I get further into the writing process!

1 comment:

Mary Tudtud said...

Hi Blake, I find it really interesting that you are writing a novel. I also agree that character names can be tough to come up with. Especially, when you have to come with a surname as well. I do like that J.K Rowling used an ordinary name like Harry. It made him relatable and took someone average into someone extraordinary. Plus she used all name brainstorming on Hermione. Good luck on your writing process!